I am very excited to announce that I have been offered a full-time music therapy job (with benefits!) at a facility in Irvine. Let me tell you the story of how I created this job opportunity for myself...
My job search started in late July, early August. I really wanted to wait until we were settled back in California to start the search, mostly because it is so time consuming. Once I finally started looking online, there were no music therapy postings anywhere. Uh oh. No need to panic, I signed up as a TakeLessons instructor, got a contract for a company down in San Juan Capistrano, and a contract for the Children's Music Fund. By no means was this going to pay the bills.
I started searching Craigslist and came across numerous companies hiring for speech therapists, behavior therapists and occupational therapists. Unfortunately, and obviously, I didn't qualify. However, a thought came across my mind. Why not offer my services to these companies that offer amazing therapies that go hand in hand with what I do? I had to be creative. And that's what I did. I emailed various companies in the Orange County area offering music therapy. I included a cover letter, resume, recommendation letters...the whole shebang.
You know what? It worked. All it took was one hit (and several interviews and meetings) and now I have a full-time job.
I will be working as a music therapist for a facility that offers speech, occupational and behavioral therapies. I am starting from nothing, starting a program I have always wanted to start, fulfilling my dream on someone else's dime. And most importantly, I will be working with kids with Autism, making a difference one smile at a time.