Not sure why I'm up this late blogging, but have an urge to tell you about a client I saw today. Thursday mornings are our hospice mornings. I have really come to enjoy working in this population...a surprise to myself, I must say. Anywho...I got there at 9:30am and ran over the census. I recognized a name. A name I thought I had seen at Scripps probably about a month or two before. F/37, cervical cancer. couldn't be the same woman.
It was. She was sleeping, but I did play for her. I didn't want to wake her, thought she might wake up if she heard the music, but she obviously needed her beauty sleep. When I visited her in the hospital, she was such a pleasant woman. She seemed younger than 37, had a cute pixie haircut and spoke with an accent. I can't remember where she lived before moving to SD, but I think it may have been Russia. When I saw her sleeping this morning, she looked so thin, emaciated with no color in her cheeks like the first time I met her. When I saw her in the hospital she loved the music, kept asking for more. I introduced her to the John Denver song
Leaving on a Jet Plane. She listened attentively as I sang to her and when I finished I asked her if she liked the lyrics, the melody, etc. She said, "Why did you pick that song?" I don't know. I just did..."I thought you would like it." She said, "My boyfriend is a pilot." Bam. Intuition?
On my 3rd visit with her, she moved rooms because she had to be in a contact precaution and pressurized room. It was so hot! I had to wear a gown, gloves, and a mask (the first time I've had to wear a mask..the gown and gloves are NOT new to me)--I thought I was going to pass out of heat exhaustion. But--alas, my job goes on and I wanted to play for her. She was very sympathetic for my get-up and said it was all due to a "scrape" she received which drew blood.
Seeing her today in a hospice setting made me feel sad. She is so young. She is full of life. I played
Leaving on a Jetplane for her and hope that she heard it.
I'll leave you tonight on a happy note. T comes home in a week! are a few pics my FIL (father-in-law) sent me from the trip to Cincy of my hubby in his new tux with tails ;)

The second picture is of T and Auntie R!